Citizen Science

Why we’re joining Swampcare for Clean up Australia Day

Why we’re joining Swampcare for Clean up Australia Day

On Clean up Australia Day 2020, staff and volunteers from BMWHI and Scenic World will join the Blue Mountains City Council and the Garguree Swampcare group in a clean up of the Maple Grove Park area next to Katoomba Falls.

This will involve more than picking up rubbish, we will also be weeding and conducting general remediation to help swamp conservation. All interested members of the community are encouraged to join us and support the excellent work of Swampcare.

After the fires: working towards regeneration and recovery

After the fires: working towards regeneration and recovery

Approximately 80% of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area has been affected by wildfires and it’s possible that more fires will follow before the season ends. However, the situation may not be a total catastrophe.

Fire has not burnt through all places equally and the impact may not be as severe as we previously thought. In several fire affected areas, the canopy was spared and we are seeing promising signs of recovery and refugia as more data become available.